Informace o trase:

Čas: 9 hodin 51 minut
Délka: 34.17 km
Obtížnost: středně těžká
Hodnota zážitku:
Stoupání: 617 metrů
Klesání: 595 metrů
Nejnižší bod: 237 m.n.m.
Nejvyšší bod: 486 m.n.m.

From the castle to the underground - from Bouzov to the caves

The cycle route starts and ends at the most fabulous castle in the Czech Republic - Bouzov. You can certainly make the route more interesting by visiting the unique Javoříč and Mladeč caves or the arboretum in Bílá Lhota. There are several significant climbs along the route.

The start of the route is in the village of Bouzov, dominated by the majestic Bouzov Castle. From Bouzov, take cycle route No. 512 through Podolí and Hrabí to Bílá Lhota. Then the route leads along the road (you have to go around the Třesín Nature Park and there is no other way than along the road) to Mladec. Here you will find the underground Mladeč caves, which are among the archaeological sites of world importance. Cycle route No. 6033 leads past the ponds, where you will find Sobáčov - a recreational area with a restaurant, to Chudobín. It is a village known for its special feature - its three churches, each dedicated to a different church. Then you will go through Haňovice and Myslechovice to Cholina. In Cholina you will turn onto cycle route No. 6245, which leads to Loučka, where you will join cycle route No. 6025, which will take you via Slavětín and Střemeníčko to Javoříčko. Here you can descend to the underground. The local Javoříč caves are distinguished by their beautiful karst decoration and are the warmest caves with the warmest constant temperature in the country. Unfortunately, the village of Javoříčko itself was sadly inscribed in history at the end of World War II - the burning of the village by the Nazis is commemorated by a memorial and also by an exposition. From Javoříčko we will continue along the cycle route No. 6025 back to Bouzov.


The system of interactive links for individual records in selected modules within the project Central Moravia - mainly quiet (2024) was implemented with the support of the state budget of the Czech Republic from the programme of the Ministry for Regional Development.

The optimization of the website and the online campaign within the project Adrenalin after ours (2023) were realized with the contribution of the state budget of the Czech Republic from the programme of the Ministry for Regional Development.

The website was created within the framework of the project Marketing TO Central Moravia 2020 implemented with the contribution of the state budget of the Czech Republic from the programme of the Ministry for Regional Development.