Natural bathing biotope Laškov
aktuálně 3.8 °C slabý déšť
15.03. | slabý déšť | 4.1 °C
16.03. | jasno | 7.4 °C
17.03. | zataženo | 2.0 °C

Okres Prostějov, Olomoucký kraj


Paseka, Česko
Plan route

Natural bathing biotope Laškov

The bathing biotope offers fun for swimmers and the youngest children on hot summer days.

There' s a swimming space of 2.1 to 2.5 meters deep and a paddling pool with a water mushroom.

Visitors of the pool are allowed to park according to the arrows on the lawn in the park behind the castle in a delimited area, and on the lawn opposite the car park in front of the castle. It is also possible to use the parking areas around the church and the cemetery car park 50m further towards Krakovec. The biotope in Laškov is also a convenient stop if you go for a bike ride on the surrounding cycle paths and get a craving for refreshment.

Children under the age of three are admitted free of charge.

Mountain route

Mountain route

The circular route starts at the information center in Šternberk with the sign 6009. From the center, you will climb up Opavská Street towards the start of the Ecce Homo line and further up to the vil ... (more)
Obtížnost: těžká
Čas: 1018 minut
Délka: 57.78 km
Stoupání: 1305 metrů
Klesání: 1309 metrů
Nejvyšší bod: 648 m.n.m.
Nejnižší bod: 247 m.n.m.
Cycle path Behind the Living Water

Cycle path Behind the Living Water

The trail starts at the information center in Šternberk , following sign No. 6009. From the IC you will climb up Opavská Street towards the start of the famous Ecce Homo track and continue climbing un ... (more)
Obtížnost: těžká
Čas: 1015 minut
Délka: 59.00 km
Stoupání: 1034 metrů
Klesání: 1035 metrů
Nejvyšší bod: 695 m.n.m.
Nejnižší bod: 275 m.n.m.
Educational trail City park Uničov

Educational trail City park Uničov

The starting point of the nature trail is on Sadová Street, about a seven-minute walk from the centre of Uničov. The trail leads along sidewalks and is therefore also suitable for walking with a str ... (more)
Obtížnost: lehká
Čas: 18 minut
Délka: 1.18 km
Nejvyšší bod: 237 m.n.m.
Nejnižší bod: 237 m.n.m.
30 kilometres through the surroundings of Šternberk

30 kilometres through the surroundings of Šternberk

The circular route starts and ends in Šternberk at the Upper Square in front of the local Information Centre. The highest point of the route is Chabičov, a local part of Šternberk, and then you wil ... (more)
Obtížnost: lehká
Čas: 506 minut
Délka: 31.08 km
Stoupání: 330 metrů
Klesání: 349 metrů
Nejvyšší bod: 479 m.n.m.
Nejnižší bod: 221 m.n.m.
Prabába Nature Trail

Prabába Nature Trail

The circular nature trail winds along the slopes of several hills in the vicinity of Šternberk, leading along well-maintained forest paths. The route has a less demanding and slightly more demanding ... (more)
Prabába Nature Trail

Prabába Nature Trail

The circular nature trail leads along hillsides and well-maintained forest paths in the surroundings of Šternberk. There are 9 stops on the trail , which will introduce you to the history of the regi ... (more)
Obtížnost: lehká
Čas: 85 minut
Délka: 4.41 km
Stoupání: 141 metrů
Klesání: 141 metrů
Nejvyšší bod: 443 m.n.m.
Nejnižší bod: 339 m.n.m.
Henička Nature Trail

Henička Nature Trail

The nature trail forms a recreational walking circuit and leads through a suburban forest on the eastern edge of Šternberk. The starting point is the field station of the Czech Union of Nature Conser ... (more)
Obtížnost: lehká
Čas: 43 minut
Délka: 2.25 km
Stoupání: 84 metrů
Klesání: 84 metrů
Nejvyšší bod: 479 m.n.m.
Nejnižší bod: 396 m.n.m.
Green Trail Šternberk

Green Trail Šternberk

The nature trail starts in Šternberk and leads along the green tourist trail through Těšíkov to the spring of the Těšíkov acid spring, where you will get acquainted with other springs of Centra ... (more)
Obtížnost: lehká
Čas: 177 minut
Délka: 8.74 km
Stoupání: 372 metrů
Klesání: 156 metrů
Nejvyšší bod: 560 m.n.m.
Nejnižší bod: 272 m.n.m.
Cycle path to the zoo and for swimming

Cycle path to the zoo and for swimming

The circular route starts and ends in Šterberk at the Upper Square in front of the information centre. Cyclists who take the trail have the opportunity to visit the zoo at St. Kopecek near Olomouc an ... (more)
Obtížnost: středně těžká
Čas: 711 minut
Délka: 41.48 km
Stoupání: 744 metrů
Klesání: 748 metrů
Nejvyšší bod: 558 m.n.m.
Nejnižší bod: 226 m.n.m.
Křížový and Kočičí vrch Nature trail

Křížový and Kočičí vrch Nature trail

The circular nature trail starts at the bus station in Moravský Beroun and is intended for hikers - due to the section that leads over the rock wall, it is not suitable for cyclists. The trail will t ... (more)
Obtížnost: středně těžká
Čas: 100 minut
Délka: 5.51 km
Stoupání: 128 metrů
Klesání: 129 metrů
Nejvyšší bod: 610 m.n.m.
Nejnižší bod: 533 m.n.m.
The system of interactive links for individual records in selected modules within the project Central Moravia - mainly quiet (2024) was implemented with the support of the state budget of the Czech Republic from the programme of the Ministry for Regional Development.

The optimization of the website and the online campaign within the project Adrenalin after ours (2023) were realized with the contribution of the state budget of the Czech Republic from the programme of the Ministry for Regional Development.

The website was created within the framework of the project Marketing TO Central Moravia 2020 implemented with the contribution of the state budget of the Czech Republic from the programme of the Ministry for Regional Development.