Rabbit in bacon

Rabbit in bacon

Don't be afraid of the rabbit and bake it in bacon! The meat will be nice and juicy. It's a piece of cake.

  • Rabbit
  • bacon
  • salt
  • water to baste the meat
  • allspice
  • bay leaf
  • whole pepper
  • cumin
  • onion
  • garlic

Wash the rabbit and divide into parts. Salt each part and coat with bacon. Place the parts in a baking dish, add the chopped onion and garlic, season to taste and cover with water. Simmer in the oven at 240°C for about 40 minutes. Once the meat is tender, remove the lid for 15 minutes and let the rabbit roast until it's golden brown. Be careful not to let it dry out! The meat stock can be softened with butter or dusted with flour to make a thicker sauce. The best sides are roasted potatoes and fresh vegetables.

The system of interactive links for individual records in selected modules within the project Central Moravia - mainly quiet (2024) was implemented with the support of the state budget of the Czech Republic from the programme of the Ministry for Regional Development.

The optimization of the website and the online campaign within the project Adrenalin after ours (2023) were realized with the contribution of the state budget of the Czech Republic from the programme of the Ministry for Regional Development.

The website was created within the framework of the project Marketing TO Central Moravia 2020 implemented with the contribution of the state budget of the Czech Republic from the programme of the Ministry for Regional Development.